
Why we started The Next Big Writer?

A lot of folks have written drafts on some of the topics but are scared to put them out there. On probing further, it turns out that they didn't want to publicly associate the post with their names in case it doesn’t get good reception. This traps them in a vicious cycle: They don’t publish because they feel the writing is not good enough, and the writing can’t improve without feedback!

To solve this problem, we are announcing “The Next Big Writer” mentorship program:

  1. Write your post in markdown and submit the draft.
  2. We have a team of awesome mentors that will provide you constructive (and critical) feedback on your writing style and content.
  3. After you make the required edits, it will be published to Hashnode in the publication "TheNextBigWriter".
  4. Our mentors will help in gaining confidence so that you proudly associate your article with your name.